Taxis and tow trucks are not allowed for driving tests.Cars having trade plates are not suitable.If your car is not registered, it cannot be used for a driving test.Vehicles that have street rod permit or club permit.Security vehicles that are heavily armored.If your car has Takata ‘alpha’ airbags, it cannot be used.Cars that are used to carry hazardous items.Primary producer vehicles cannot be used for the driving test.Here are a few things that make a car unsuitable for driving tests: If your car does not fulfill these conditions, sadly, you will have to use the testing officer’s car because VicRoads does not offer cars for driving tests. Mirrors fitted on both sides of the car.Your car needs to have a windscreen that is working and a rear window demister.If your car has a foot-operated or electronic break system, it cannot be used for the driving test because the testing offices can operate the brakes if the need ever arises.The car should be serviced regularly to keep it working for a long time. The interiors of the vehicle should be clean and neat.If you have a manual driver license that you acquired before, your car should have a manual transmission otherwise, the driving license will not be valid, and you will not be allowed to use the car for the driving test.The doors of your car should work fine.If the headlights are broken, your car is not suitable. It is important that your car should have working headlights.The inside of your car, should not feel too hot or humid instead, it should be comfortable inside.There should be seatbelts available for both front and rear seats.You have to make sure that the dials and numbers can be seen from the passenger seat. The speedometer in your car has to work properly.All conditions that need to be met have been discussed below. If you have a car, you can use your car for the driving test, but your vehicle has to meet certain conditions. The easiest way to pass the driving test is to enroll in a driving school in Ringwood, acquire the skills, and appear for the test preparation. The on-road driving test is further divided into two stages. You need to pass both of these tests to get a driving license. The driving test will be conducted in two parts: You need to pass the driving test in Ringwood to be able to drive your car in Australia. VicRoads is a state government office that provides all the driving and vehicle licenses. If you live in Ringwood, Australia, and you are looking to get your driving license, you need to head to the VicRoads in Ringwood.